#0to60 Campaign is commorating the 60th anniversary of the Presidential Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. We encourage you to visit the #0to60 website and download the app.
Build Career Muscle
Facilitating, encouraging and championing professional development is our focus. Becoming a respected, health education leader involves staying current in one’s field. KAHPERD provides many opportunities to help members expand knowledge, strengthen teaching skills, and increase confidence to become a more effective professional educator.
Be Part of the Team
You can strengthen your own career by:
- Attending workshops and conventions
- Networking with colleagues to share solutions and ideas
- Trying new activities and programs
- Reading articles about new ideas in newsletters and journals
- Implementing innovative assessments
- Discovering practical uses of technology ... and much more
Be A Career Coach
You can help others with professional development by:
- Presenting ideas and successful programs at workshops and conventions
- Suggesting workshop topics of interest
- Participating in informal networking
- Publishing articles in professional journals
- Sharing information on social media
Share your expertise by getting in touch with KAHPERD, contact Interim Executive Director, Claudia Welch