Welcome to KAHPERD
Your membership provides access to resources and services to meet the demands of your profession. As an organization dedicated to promoting healthy and active students and citizens, we cater to needs of health teachers, physical education teachers, recreation and intramural directors, dance teachers and sport and coach professionals.
KAHPERD Membership Benefits
1. Networking: KAHPERD is largest network for current and future professionals in Physical & Adaptive Education, Health, Recreation and Dance in Kansas.
2. Professional Development: Provides professional development opportunities for practitioners from the fields of: Health, Physical Education, Athletic Coaching, Recreation, Leisure, Sport Management Exercise Science, Biomechanics, Athletic Training, and Dance
3. Communications: Provides journal and newsletters outlet for peer-reviewed/referred publications. Connects members via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Sends via Emails (C-Vent), newsletters with educational articles & events.
4. Grants: KAHPERD provides equipment grants annually for its members to boost their programs.
5. Convention/Conferences/Workshops: KAHPERD hosts an Annual Convention as well as Summer and Winter Workshops. KAHPERD events provide opportunities for participants to earn college credits.
6. Leadership and service opportunities on the KAHPERD Executive Board and/or Board committees.
7. Advocacy: KAHPERD serves as the voice of our professions at the local, state, and national levels! A strong membership provides powerful advocacy!
8. Awards: KAHPERD annually honors outstanding professional members in the following categories: Professional Awards, University and College Awards and Recognition Awards.
9. Membership: Chance to earn a free membership if you raise enough money by hosting a “Health Moves Minds” fundraiser which benefits both your school and KAHPERD.
Click here to join and/or renew your membership. You may also update your personal contact information here as well.
Membership Fees
Professional Membership (applies to all professionals in a teaching or administrative role):
- One year: $60.00
- All memberships include a $5 processing fee
$20.00 per year | Student Membership (applies to all undergraduate and graduate students who are not in a professional teaching or administrative role)
$30.00 per year | Retirees (applies to any former professional no longer in a teaching or administrative role)
Click below to join, renew or update your personal contact information.