Kansas Speak Out Day
SHAPE America's SPEAK Out! Day is when educators head to Capitol Hill to advocate for full funding of the bi-partisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to support health and physical education programs in schools and professional development of teachers. SPEAK Out! Day (shapeamerica.org)
Visit Open Physed for all of your curriculum needs! Check out this website for complete standards based lesson plans including academic language, cues, SEL and more! It's FREE!
Also KAHPERD is proud to partner with Open Physed, US Games and BSN Sports for sponsorship of our Teacher of the Year program! Thank you for your continued support of KAHPERD!
Board Proxy Form
- Ask a non-voting member of your committee to serve as your proxy
- If there is no available non-voting member of the Marketing Committee, then the second option is to ask a voting member of the committee
- The final option is to ask any Board member to serve as your proxy
- Finally, fill out the form below.
New Approved Kansas Health and Physical Education Standards
The new approved Kansas Health and Physical Education Standards are linked below.
Physical Education Grade Level Outcomes by Grade level
Physical Education Grade Level Outcomes by Standards
2018 Physical Activity Guidelines
Check out the new 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines on the link below. These guidelines were published by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
2018 Physical Activity Guidelines
Helpful Links and Downloads
EdD Programs
All the information you'll need to begin to research and apply for a graduate degree
KAHPERD Recess Results Survey
Check out the results from our recess survey, taken by Physical educators across Kansas.
How to Promote Quality Education Policy Infographic
An easy to reference infographic on promoting Quality Education Policy.
pacertest.com Looking for PACER test audio to use during Fitness testing? This is a simple, helpful link.
Shine Light on Depression: Great website that provides free resources and lesson plans for mental health lessons.
School Mental Health Initiative: This website offers a variety of online learning, resources, as well as in-person training.
Fitness, Nutrtion and more Resource! https://mphdegree.usc.edu/health-resource-guide/
Links to Programs and Initiatives
- SHAPE America
- Central District
- Active Academics
- BAM! Body and Mind
- Choose My Plate
- Fuel Up to Play 60
- Sunflower State Games
- Kansas Health Foundation
- Sunflower Foundation
Convention Exhibitors
Kansas Learning Center for Health
Foundation for a Drug-Free World
Interactive Health Technologies
Special Olympics Kansas Unified Champion Schools
US Tennis Association Missouri Valley