Educator Workshops
KAHPERD sponsors workshops for educators held in various locations across the state. Individuals who are not members are also invited to attend. The registration price for non-members includes a one-year KAHPERD membership.
Join us at any of our events and enhance your professional development by:
- Networking with other professionals
- Refreshing your existing skills and learning new ones
- Staying up to date on the latest research and regulations in your field
- Developing, expanding and improving your physical activity program
Two Annual KAHPERD Workshops
Each year KAHPERD sponsors two workshops in Kansas:
- Winter workshop in late January or February
- Summer workshop in June or July
Special KAHPERD Workshops
Additional KAHPERD-sponsored workshops are scheduled as new challenges, issues and opportunities arise.
- Student growth measures
- Student leadership workshops
- Leadership workshops
- Supported sexuality education workshops
Recommended Workshops
KAHPERD keeps members informed of helpful workshops and events sponsored by other organizations and in other states that may be of interest to Kansas educators.