The KAHPERD Model School Award
The KAHPERD Model School Program is designed to identify and recognize and award schools that provide model physical education programs. This award process promotes quality physical education throughout the state of Kansas and provides opportunities for physical educators to share ideas for the purpose of enhancing the physical education experience for all students. The program provides for Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards.
Model School Chair: Chris Rose
Model School Criteria - The materials for all applications are evaluated by the criteria established by the Model School Committee.
How to Apply
Click on the following link for the application packet: Model School Application Packet 2023 - Google Docs
- A typed letter of support from the building principal.
- Vitae for each of the physical education staff members including type of teaching certificate(s) held, professional growth history (workshops, conventions, graduate work), and professional memberships.
- 3 hard copies or a PDF file of documentation to support rubric criteria
Mail a completed application packet to the address below or email PDF file to
Chair Chris Rose no later than February 1st.
Chris Rose
1405 Pine Ct.
Ottawa, KS 66067