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Health, Moves, Minds Fundraiser

Health. Moves. Minds Fundraiser Information

A health. moves. minds. fundraiser helps health and physical educators incorporate critical life skills into their classes and allows schools to address mental health topics while reinforcing the importance of physical activity school-wide. 

In addition to the positive benefits for students and schools, the fundraiser builds school-wide financial capacity to make large projects and initiatives a reality.

  • Your school will receive at least 50%* of funds raised (deposited in school bank account).
  • Raise $5,000 or more and get a special banner for your school.
  • The program coordinator at your school will earn statewide benefits through KAHPERD (see below)
  • Teachers get access to free health. moves. minds. lessons and activities.
  • You/your school’s health and physical education teacher will receive a Gopher gift card valued at 5% of funds raised by your school PLUS a $250 bonus match — courtesy of Booster — which will be added to your gift card!
  • If you raise $2,000 or more, you’ll receive a FREE one-year SHAPE America Basic Professional Membership.
  • Students will be motivated by the fundraiser’s collectibles and physical activity-focused prizes (see below), which are sure to keep them healthy and active with friends and family!

Get Started

Just fill out an interest form to get started and someone from Booster will get in contact with you about next steps. Booster recommends having a fundraising date in mind to start the conversation, but you don't have to have one to start the process. 

Click here to fill out interest form. 

If you want more information, click on the link below to go to the Shape America website. 

Health. Moves. Minds. Website

KAHPERD Benefits for Program Coordinator 2024-2025


Level 1: Host an Event 

  • Incentives: 
    • Recognition on the Website, Newsletter, and at the State Convention: Each H. M. M.  Event Coordinator’s name and school will be listed on the designated H. M. M. section of the KAHPERD website and newsletter. In addition each H. M. M. Event Coordinator will be recognized at the 2025 KAHPERD Convention.

Level 2:  Bronze (Raising $2,500 or more)

  • Incentives:  
    • All Level 1 Incentives.
    • KAHPERD Membership: Each H. M. M. Event Coordinator receives a one-year KAHPERD membership for the subsequent year.

Level 3: Silver (Raising $5,000 or more)

  • Incentives:
    • All Bronze Level Incentives.
    • KAHPERD Workshop Registration: Each H. M. M. Event Coordinators will receive a FREE KAHPERD Workshop registration of his/her choice for the subsequent year.

Level 4: Gold ($10,000 or more)

  • Incentives:
    • All Silver Level Incentives.
    • KAHPERD Convention Registration: Each H. M. M. Event Coordinator will receive a FREE KAHPERD Convention registration for the subsequent year.

Note:  All awards are to be designated for use by one H. M. M. Event Coordinator per school.  Therefore, only one H. M. M. Incentive Level will be awarded per school.