Frequently Asked Questions
At KAHPERD we welcome your questions. If you don't see the information you need, email Co-Executive Director Ken Murfay at murfay.kahperd@gmail.com.
Q: How long does a membership last?
A: The membership year is based on the date the membership was purchased. If a membership is purchased on July 1, 2018, it will expire July 1, 2019.
Q: Can multiple-year memberships be purchased?
A: Yes, multiple-year memberships are available for professional members only. Four options are available – one-year, five-year, 10-year, and lifetime memberships.
Q: Must a retiree member purchase a membership?
A: Yes, however, retirees pay only $20 for a one-year membership.
Q: Can memberships be purchased via U.S. mail?
A: No, all memberships must be purchased online.
Q: What is the definition of a retired member?
A: A retired member is a person who no longer works full time and is working less than half time in a HPERD profession. Retired members must have been a professional KAHPERD member in good standing for a minimum of 10 years.
Q: What is the difference between a student and a graduate student?
A: Graduate student members qualify for student membership if they are enrolled in a minimum of six graduate credit hours.
Voting FAQs
Q: Are students and retirees allowed to vote on KAHPERD officers?
A: Yes, all KAHPERD members may vote on the slate of KAHPERD officers.
Q: Does voting occur in person or online?
A: The vote for the slate of officers occurs online.
Leadership Opportunity FAQs
Q: What are the requirements for becoming a KAHPERD officer?
A: All officers must be professional members of KAHPERD.
Q: How many meetings are held each year by the KAHPERD Council?
A: Four. One in the spring, one in the fall, one in the winter, and one in conjunction with the annual KAHPERD convention.
Professional Development FAQs
Q: How many conventions and workshops are held each year?
A: One annual convention, one winter workshop and one summer workshop are typically held every year.
Q: Is college credit provided during these professional development events?
A: Yes, typically the university that is hosting the event provides the graduate credit.
Annual KAHPERD Convention FAQs
Q: Do I need to be a current KAHPERD member in order to attend convention?
A: Yes. Memberships may be purchased at the time of registration.
Q: Do presenters need to register for convention?
A: Yes, we ask that all presenters and participants register so that the hosting location is adequately prepared for the event.
Q: Do retirees need to register for convention?
A: Yes, we ask that all attendees register for the convention.
Q: What is the designated convention hotel?
A: For those attending the 2022 Convention in Kansas City.
Q: May I pay for my registration with a credit card/debit card?
A: Yes, provided your credit or debit card is a Visa® or Mastercard®.
Q: May I pay with a purchase order from my school district?
A: Yes, please provide your district office address and contact name/number so we can provide an invoice.
Q: Will college credit be available for seminars at the convention?
A: Yes, find more information here: Provide link
Q: What are the convention fees? Membership fees?
A: Membership fees can be found under Member Benefits.
Q: Where can I find the program sessions for the convention?
A: Program sessions can be found on the convention website.
Q: Where can I find the convention schedule?
A: The convention schedule can be found on the convention website.