Awards & Grants
Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year
Award Eligibility: An active member of KAHPERD (for at least three years prior to nomination and membership remains active throughout the award process - continues for the year as an award recipient)
- Has taught for a minimum of 5 years within the adapted physical education profession
- Is currently practicing as evidenced by:
- Degree/certification in teaching
- Full-time teaching contract (current or at the time of nomination)
- Minimum of 50% of total job responsibility teaching adapted physical education
- Nationally certificated adapted physical educator (CAPE) or eligible to sit for the qualifying exam (eligibility = 200 hours of practicum experience, at least 12-credit hours in adapted physical education) is desirable.
Award Criteria:
- Criteria #1: Models the comprehensive roles and responsibilities necessary to implement adapted physical education services that align to the Essential Components of Physical Education as reflected in the SHAPE America National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education as it best meets individualized needs indicated in the Individualized Education Program and 504 plans.
- Criteria #2: Purposely plans and successfully implements universal design for learning principles into daily lessons by differentiating instruction based on the diverse abilities of every student in each physical education class.
- Criteria #3: Participates in a leadership/collaborative role that fosters an active healthy lifestyle beyond the physical education classroom (such as, but not limited to coaching, volunteering, developing programs and special events, and/or collaborating with families).
- Criteria #4: Administers multi-confirming assessments and utilizes the data to develop and implement student Individualized Education Programs and 504 plans to guide instructional planning and decisions.
- Criteria #5: Advocates for and supports the profession, as evidenced through partnerships, participation in professional organizations and professional learning opportunities (such as, but not limited to: service through leadership, presentations, and/or writing).
Award Recipient Responsibilities:
- Award recipients will be responsible for presenting at the following year’s KAHPERD conference and submitting an article for the KAHPERD journal/newsletter.
- KAHPERD award recipients may be required to become a member of SHAPE America before candidacy for a Central District/SHAPE America award is considered (based on SHAPE America Central District protocol).