Vicki J. Worrell Service Award
For the past quarter of a century, the name Dr. Vicki Worrell has been synonymous with KAHPERD. Dr. Worrell was KAHPERD’s first full time Executive Director beginning in 1995, serving until she retired in December 2018. During her tenure KAHPERD gained a great deal of national recognition and respect as an organization.
Dr. Worrell was very involved within the SHAPE America Central District organization, serving as President, Vice President of the Sport and Physical Education Division, as well as the Chair of the Structure and Function Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Ruth Abernathy Presidential Scholarship Committee, and the Executive Director Evaluation Committee. She also served as the Central District’s Parliamentarian and a member of the Leadership Summit Operating Code Committee.
Dr. Worrell would serve as President-Elect/President/Past President of AAHPERD/SHAPE America from 2009-2011, while keeping the KAHPERD Board informed of the newest trends and projects occurring nationally within the profession. Dr. Worrell also served as Chair of the SHAPE America Physical Education Council, the Council of Physical Education for Children (COPEC), the NASPE Public Relations Committee, and the AAHPERD President’s Scholarship Committee. She was a member of AAHPERD’s Finance Committee, Criteria for Success Committee, Audit Committee, Strategic Plan Committee, District Services Committee, Awards Committee, and the Board of Governors Advocacy Committee.
Dr. Worrell continued to serve as an exemplary leader within the KAHPERD organization for over 35 years serving as President, Secretary, Chair of the Structure and Function Committee, and a member of the Strategic Planning Committee.
Dr. Worrell has shared her expertise by making over 400 professional presentations at a variety of venues (international, national, regional, state and local convention and workshops). She has co-authored nine books and is published in a variety of professional journals.
Dr. Worrell has been awarded the AAHPERD, CDAAHPERD, and KAHPERD Honor Awards, the NASPE Joy of Effort Award, the KAHPERD, Central District and National Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year Awards, the Central District Kathleen Kinderfather Award, the Central District Sport and Physical Education Merit Award, the KAHPERD and Central District Presidential Citation Awards, as well as the KAHPERD Service Award. She was also inducted as a Fellow of the North American Society of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Professionals in 2012.
KAHPERD renamed the Service Award to the Vicki J. Worrell Service Award in 2004 to honor the years of service she gave to the profession. It continues to be an award opportunity to honor KAHPERD members who exemplify Dr. Worrell’s pride in giving back in service.
Award Eligibility:
An active member of KAHPERD (for at least five years prior to nomination and membership remains active throughout the award process - continues for the year as an award recipient)
A current member of SHAPE America
Award Criteria:
Criteria #1: Demonstrates exemplary leadership and contributions within one or more of the professional disciplines of the KAHPERD and/or SHAPE America organizations
Criteria #2: Exemplifies a dedication of service to the KAHPERD and/or SHAPE America organization(s) as a member of the board(s) and through participation in programming efforts
Criteria #3: Exemplifies dedicated service to the local community (examples: projects, special events, volunteer work) and to the school/university/college environment (examples: mentoring, presentations, special events, in-service collaboration, club sponsorship)
Criteria #4: Exemplifies leadership qualities in advocating for promoting healthy, active Kansans