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Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year

Award Eligibility: 

A member of KAHPERD (has been an active member for at least three years prior to nomination and membership remains active throughout the award process - continues for the year as an award recipient).

Has taught for a minimum of five years within the middle school physical education profession

Is currently practicing as evidenced by:

  • Degree/certification in teaching
  • Full-time teaching contract (current or at the time of nomination)
  • Minimum of 50% of total job responsibility teaching middle school
  • physical education

Award Criteria: 

Criteria #1: Conducts a comprehensive and diverse physical education program that utilizes the Essential Components of Physical Education as reflected in the SHAPE America National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education and other best practices.

Criteria #2: Utilizes various teaching methodologies and practices indicated within agreed upon professional standards.

Criteria #3: Engages in culturally responsive instructional practices.

Criteria #4: Describe your utilization of student assessment, one of the essential components of physical education, that reflects inclusion and social justice in your educational setting.

Criteria #5: Advocates for and supports the profession, as evidenced through partnerships, participation in professional organizations and professional learning opportunities, free or otherwise.

Award Recipient Responsibilities: 

Award recipients will be responsible for presenting at the following year’s KAHPERD conference and submitting an article for the KAHPERD journal/newsletter.

KAHPERD award recipients may be required to become a member of SHAPE America before candidacy for a Central District/SHAPE America award is considered (based on SHAPE America Central District protocol).