Wayne Osness Honor Award
The Wayne Osness Honor Award is the most prestigious award given by KAHPERD and was named as such in 2003 to honor Dr. Osness and his many years of professional service to KAHPERD (earlier known as KAHPER), NASPE, SHAPE America, and international efforts in educating others of the importance of the allied professions of health, physical education, recreation, and dance (the disciplines of KAHPERD).
Dr. Osness began his career upon receiving a B.S. degree in Physical Science from Wisconsin State College, Eau Claire, a M.S. degree in Physical Education and Chemistry-Science Education and a Ph.D. in Physical Education from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
He taught Chemistry, Mathematics and Physical Education and coached football and track at the high school level in Wisconsin. He was a Guest Lecturer in Physiology of Exercise at the University of Wisconsin before joining the Health, Sport, and Exercise Science Department at the University of Kansas in 1966 and served as chair for 34 years, specializing in exercise physiology and the biological process of aging.
Dr. Osness’ service to the local, district, national, and international platforms have been just as renowned. He served as KAHPER President in 1969, the Research Section Chair of KAHPER, and the chair of numerous other Council committees. He represented Kansas within the District and National Associations, being elected NASPE President in 1977 and AAHPERD President in 1983.
Dr. Osness has authored more than 115 published articles in over 50 prestigious professional journals and has made more than 200 presentations at state, district, regional, national, and international conferences. Dr. Osness served as a courtesy professor of physiology and cell biology and senior scientist for the Center on Aging at the KU Medical Center in Kansas City and served on the Governor’s Council on Fitness for a number of years . He also led PATH (Personal Action Through Health), a semester-long fitness activity and information course for older adults.
Because of his professional efforts, Dr. Osness has received more than 50 regional, national, and international awards. These awards and honors include the Alliance Honor Award, the R. Tait McKenzie Award, the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, Distinguished Service Awards, Lecturer International Olympic Academy, Chair of the Education Committee of the U.S. Olympic Committee (for 8 years) and Outstanding Educator Award from the University of Kansas. Dr. Osness became the recipient of AAHPERD’s highest award, the Luther Halsey Gulick Award for his academic and scholarly contributions to the Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance professions and is currently the only KAHPERD member to have been named the recipient of this award. John Frappier, CEO of Frappier Acceleration said during the awards presentation, “Wayne Osness is a caring, compassionate professional who has dedicated his life to the mission of health and well-being to all-regardless of age, ability or gender.”
The Wayne Osness Honor Award is an opportunity to honor KAHPERD members who exemplify Dr. Osness’ outstanding service and contributions to the profession within the organization and beyond.
Award Eligibility:
An active member of KAHPERD (for at least ten years prior to nomination and membership remains active throughout the award process - continues for the year as an award recipient)
A current member of SHAPE America
Award Criteria:
Criteria #1: Demonstrates exemplary leadership within the professional disciplines of the KAHPERD organization
Criteria #2: Provides significant contributions to the professional disciplines represented within the KAHPERD and/or SHAPE America organizations (examples: article/book publication, presentations, teaching, administrative, or related contributions)
Criteria #3: Actively participates on the board of the KAHPERD and/or SHAPE America organization(s) demonstrating exemplary leadership qualities and dedicated service
Criteria #4: Demonstrates exemplary leadership in contributions of service to educational and professional organizations (to include KAHPERD and/or SHAPE America) and the local community (examples: volunteer work, mentoring, special events, in-service)
Criteria #5: Provides exemplary leadership qualities in advocating for and promoting healthy, active Kansans and goals of the KAHPERD organization